
EDdie ndopu


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Advocate Eddie Ndopu joins Global Goals Advisory as Senior Partner. Eddie Ndopu brings a decade of experience advocating for and creating policies around diversity, equity, and inclusion, and disability rights to spearhead Global Goals Advisory's work in this space. 

Eddie Ndopu is an award-winning, internationally acclaimed humanitarian, thinker, writer, consultant, and speaker. Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at age two and given only five years to live, he has gone on to become a beacon of hope and possibility for people with disabilities all over the world and has made every minute count. Now, at age 30, Eddie is a force to be reckoned with. 

In 2019, he was handpicked by Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to serve as one of seventeen eminent Advocates for the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is answering the Secretary-General’s call for a Decade of Action around the Goals. Eddie is campaigning to be the first wheelchair user to travel into outer space as a call to action around relentless inclusion and accessibility, and at the same time, he is ambitiously pursuing a US $1billion Global Access Fund to benefit the 1.3 billion people living with disabilities globally. Eddie embodies the idea that diversity and inclusion create possibility, and he is changing the way the world sees and perceives people living with disabilities. 

In addition to his advocacy around disability justice, Eddie is a compelling voice for intersectionality. Having received attention from the media with headlines such as “Black, queer, disabled, and brilliant,” he seeks to serve ALL of those who fall through the cracks of the humanitarian, international development, and public and private sectors. Eddie is a fierce advocate for inclusion at all intersections of society. 

Eddie is an Oxford-educated public policy thought leader and intellectual who has advised Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization Humanity & Inclusion, Amnesty International and UN-Women. He currently advises the World Economic Forum, the International Paralympic Committee, and New York-based biotech investment firm RTW Investments. He sits on the boards of IMAGINE and The Valuable 500, has written for TIME Magazine, and has been featured in Forbes and The Guardian. 

Eddie is signed with Aevitas Literary Agency and is currently writing his debut memoir.