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Jennifer Wines


Rajiv Joshi is the Founder of Bridging Ventures, a new model for radical collaboration designed to inspire a just peaceful, and regenerative future for all. 


Raj previously led the Decisive Decade Initiative – a global effort to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 convened by the Mission 2020 Campaign – and helped establish the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. As The B Team’s first Managing Director (2012-2019), he was instrumental in Net-Zero emissions goal adoption by business and government leaders ahead of the Paris Climate Agreement, and helped develop Principles of Responsible Tax Practice to address corporate ownership transparency and illicit capital issues. Prior to that, he was Executive Director of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, and served as a Trustee for Oxfam Great Britain, a Board Member for CIVICUS, and member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


He holds a Master’s in Public Policy and Administration from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Economics from the University of Strathclyde Business School. He is an Executive-In Residence at Oxford University, a Research Scholar at Columbia University, and Board Member of the Centre for Scottish Public Policy and Orb Media.  With Indian and Kenyan roots, Raj was born and raised in Scotland, and now lives between the UK and the US.